Basic Command Lines

List files in a specified directory: ls
(In Windows: dir)

Retrieve more details from this list: ls -l

Change directory: cd <new-directory>

Change directory and go to a subfolder: cd <new-directory>/<subfolder>

Head back to the previous directory (one level up): cd ..

Make a new directory: mkdir <new-directory-name>

Remove a directory: rmdir <directory-name>

Create a new file: touch <filename.format>

Create multiple new files: touch <filename1.format> <filename2.format>

Remove files: rm <filename.format>

Remove all files within a folder: rm *

Move a file to a different folder: mv <filename.format> <destination-folder>

Rename a file or folder: mv <filename.format> <newfilename.format>

Copy a file or folder: cp <filename.format> <newfilename.format>
(In Windows: copy)

Open files or folders:
open ~/<foldername>
open filename.format
(In Windows: edit)